What Can I Expect from a LASIK Consultation?

What Can I Expect from a LASIK Consultation?

What Can I Expect from a LASIK Consultation?

What Can I Expect from a LASIK Consultation?

What Can I Expect from a LASIK Consultation?

What Can I Expect from a LASIK Consultation?

LASIK is an effective eye laser surgery that allows you to see without refractive errors. However, there are a few steps that your doctor will take before recommending it. These measures are vital to the surgical process and will prevent any complications. 

Below are some of the things you can expect from a LASIK consultation.

Medical History Review


Gather your relevant medical history before going for your LASIK consultation. It gives the eye doctor insight into previous eye prescriptions or conditions that could complicate the surgery. As such, it is crucial to be candid about it.

The doctor may acquire additional information you may not think is necessary from your medical records. Hence, let them have an overview. Providing your doctor with this information will ensure that you have a safe procedure. You will also get the best outcome from LASIK.

Comprehensive Eye Exam


The exam will be the same as any other comprehensive eye exam—but each eye surgeon will use unique criteria to establish if you qualify for LASIK. The bottom line is ensuring that your vision is stable enough to allow surgery. 

Some of the tests the doctor will perform while checking your vision include:


  • Vision test: They will use an eye chart to check and determine your prescription. Once they know the eye strength, they can compare it to previous tests to establish if it is stable.

  • Eye inspection: It involves a general look at your eyes. The doctor examines your eyelids to check for inflammation.

  • Dominant eye test: As the name suggests, this test determines which of your eyes is dominant. The test is especially vital for people who have presbyopia.

  • Eye dilation: The doctor does this using medication. A drop or two helps them examine the inside part of your eye. It helps relax your eye’s focusing mechanism. That way, the doctor can measure your refractive error accurately.

  • Tear film analysis: The test checks for dry eyes.


Corneal Mapping


The test can be part of the eye exam. However, it can also provide the necessary information to program the laser. It completely maps your eye surface and allows the laser to reshape the front of your cornea. A detailed measurement of the thickness and shape will allow for accurate reshaping. It will also confirm if you are a good candidate for the procedure.

Discussion on the Procedure


Ensure you get a surgeon who walks you through the procedure after the tests and exams. You must understand what you need to do to prepare for the surgery. You may also need to know why you are not a good candidate for LASIK if you did not make it.

For good LASIK candidates, you will get to know the day of your surgery. You will discuss aftercare and what to expect in the days that follow. Costs and payment options are something else you can discuss with your doctor.

After understanding the procedures and risks thoroughly, you can manage your expectations. Talk to your doctor about any concerns. Also, ask any questions that may give you clarification.

For more information on what to expect from a LASIK consultation, visit Ishigo Optometry at our Gardena, California office. Call (888) 564-0016 to schedule an appointment today.

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