What Are Ortho-k Contact Lenses?

What Are Ortho-k Contact Lenses?

What Are Ortho-k Contact Lenses?

What Are Ortho-k Contact Lenses?

What Are Ortho-k Contact Lenses?

What Are Ortho-k Contact Lenses?

Refractive errors are the most common eye conditions in the world. Of the three refractive errors—hyperopia, myopia, and astigmatism—the more common is myopia. All three can be corrected using contact lenses and glasses of different prescriptions.

Most prescription eyewear works by changing how light enters the eye, correcting the refractive error. However, there is a solution that changes the shape of the cornea: ortho-k contact lenses.

Ortho-k contact lenses, also called orthokeratology lenses, reshape the cornea to give the patient clear vision. They work like dental braces, but for the eyes. The results are temporary, but they can last long if you continue using the lenses as directed.

What is Ortho-k?


Ortho-k lenses are a specially designed type of gas-permeable lenses that reshape the cornea while you sleep. The lenses do this gently through the night so that your cornea can have the correct shape when you wake up.

After using the lenses, you wake up with perfect vision lasting the whole day. Some studies have shown that the lenses can slow down or stop myopia progression in children and teenagers.

Who Can Use Ortho-k?


Ortho-k lenses are typically used for myopia patients who do not want to wear contacts or glasses during the day. They are an alternative to getting eye surgery, affording you the freedom of never having to wear eyewear. Ortho-k is popular among athletes who need clear vision while playing but cannot use eyewear.

As mentioned earlier, doctors can use ortho-k lenses to slow down or stop myopia progression in children. However, more studies still need to be done on how effective these lenses are in managing myopia.

How Do Ortho-k Lenses Work?


The cornea is responsible for helping focus the light that gets into the eye. When you have myopia, the eye changes shape and elongates, changing how light is refracted into the eye. The elongation of the eyeball is what leads to myopic vision.

The cornea, however, is a very flexible membrane, a feature that ortho-k lenses utilize. The eye doctor measures the curvature of your cornea using a corneal topographer. He/she will then design a lens that fits over your cornea but reshapes it gently. The lenses reshape the cornea by flattening the front surface, changing how light bends as it enters the eye.

The eye doctor will keep changing your prescription as your eye slowly changes shape. You may have to use at least three prescriptions until you get to the prescription you will maintain.

What Are the Benefits of Ortho-k?

  • They Help Prevent High Myopia


High myopia is a dangerous condition that can lead to other eye conditions later in life. Ortho-k lenses slow down the progression of myopia, preventing high myopia from developing.

  • Fast Correction


Some patients on ortho-k lenses can have clear vision the next day. Others need a few days before their eyes adjust, and they can enjoy freedom. The longest can take two to three weeks, but after your eyes adjust, you only need to maintain your retainer prescription.

  • They Are Comfortable


Because you wear them when you sleep, you will not need to worry about dry eyes or irritation. They fit your eyes, making them more comfortable.

For more on ortho-k contact lenses, visit Ishigo Optometry at our office in Gardena, California. Call (888) 564-0016 to book an appointment today.

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