The Benefits of Using Ortho-k for Vision Correction

The Benefits of Using Ortho-k for Vision Correction

The Benefits of Using Ortho-k for Vision Correction

The Benefits of Using Ortho-k for Vision Correction

The Benefits of Using Ortho-k for Vision Correction

The Benefits of Using Ortho-k for Vision Correction

It would be great for people to reduce their dependence on corrective eyewear and correct their eyesight without needing surgery. That sounds incredible, but it is a reality for many people, thanks to orthokeratology.



What Is Orthokeratology?



Orthokeratology, also known as ortho-k or corneal reshaping, is a nonsurgical method of correcting vision problems with rigid gas-permeable contact lenses. You wear these lenses at night while sleeping and remove them when you awake. The lenses gently reshape the cornea's surface to correct vision problems.


These lenses can be a convenient alternative for people who want to improve their vision without needing to wear corrective lenses daily. It is also viable for those who engage in sports or other activities that may make it challenging or impossible to wear eyeglasses or contact lenses.



How Does It Work?



While the wearer sleeps, the lenses apply gentle pressure to the cornea's surface. The lenses, made of a rigid, gas-permeable material, allow oxygen into the cornea. They reshape the cornea's surface as the wearer sleeps, correcting the vision problem. The wearer removes them in the morning and sees clearly throughout the day without eyeglasses or daytime contact lenses.



Benefits of Orthokeratology



Here are some of the potential advantages of ortho-k vision correction:






Orthokeratology is a nonsurgical vision correction method. It may appeal to those unwilling or unable to undergo vision correction surgery. It entails using specially designed RGP lenses worn overnight. The lenses reshape the cornea's surface to correct vision problems. These include myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. 



Improved Vision Without Daily-wear Contact Lenses or Eyeglasses



Ortho-k allows people to see clearly throughout the day without using glasses or contacts. That is especially beneficial for those who engage in particular sports or other activities. It is also an option for people who do not want or are not suitable candidates for eyeglasses or daily wear contact lenses.



Improved Quality of Life



The ability to see more clearly and participate in activities more easily can significantly improve your quality of life. Orthokeratology can help achieve this goal by fixing your vision problems.



Customized Fit



The eye doctor fits and adjusts the lenses to the wearer's eye, making necessary adjustments to ensure a proper fit and optimal vision correction. That ensures a comfortable and effective fit.


The speed at which it works varies depending on the individual. People with mild to moderate refractive errors typically see the most rapid improvement in their vision. The process may take longer for those with more severe vision problems. These lenses are not a permanent solution. So, treatment effects typically last a few days to a week before the lenses require replacement.






It is important to note that orthokeratology is not for everyone. So, you should consult an eye doctor to determine whether it is the best option. The lenses require special care and handling to prevent damage, including using a particular disinfecting solution and careful cleaning and handling. It is best to follow the care and use instructions recommended by your eye doctor to ensure proper use and eye health. 


For more on ortho-k, visit Ishigo Optometry at our Gardena, California office. Call (888) 564-0016 to schedule an appointment today.

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