How to Effectively Manage Myopia

How to Effectively Manage Myopia

How to Effectively Manage Myopia

How to Effectively Manage Myopia

How to Effectively Manage Myopia

How to Effectively Manage Myopia

Experts predict that by 2050, half of the world’s population will have myopia. Within the past two decades, its prevalence has almost doubled. Moreover, the age of onset of the condition is decreasing fast. 

These alarming statistics suggest a significant myopia increase in the current era. For this reason, learning about the management and prevention of myopia is vital. Here is some crucial information on myopia and how to manage it effectively.

Myopia Inciting Factors


The progression and formation of myopia depend on several factors. Environmental and genetic influences play a huge role, though they interrelate. Some of the inciting factors include:

  • Ethnicity – Studies show a higher prevalence of myopia in the Asia-Pacific region. Some attribute this to less indulgence in outdoor activities.

  • Genetics – Parental myopia increases the risk of myopia and its progression. Its progression is quicker if both parents are myopic.

  • Refractive Errors – Children aged six with cycloplegic refraction are more likely to be myopic later.

  • Near Tasks Duration – Spending a lot of time performing near work increases the risk of myopia.

  • Time Spent Outdoors – You are more likely to develop myopia if you spend a lot of time indoors.

So, having learned a few facts, how do you manage myopia?

Effective Myopia Management


Currently, only a few methods of myopia management are widely accepted. They include:

Using Bifocal or Multifocal Glasses


Wear different prescription eyeglasses for near and distant viewing. It is especially effective for kids with esophoria, a condition resulting in an inward eye deviation. This is due to imbalances in the extraocular muscle. 

Orthokeratology (Ortho-k)

Ortho-k requires myopic patients to wear special contact lenses before sleeping. They work by reshaping your cornea overnight and correcting your vision the following day. Since the results are temporary, you must wear them each night before you sleep. It is an effective, though temporary, way to manage myopia.

Distance Center Multifocal Contacts


While they seem like conventional contacts, they are different. These lenses have an optical modification at the center. It helps slow down the progression of myopia. Currently, only two brands are available in the market. Consult your optometrist to find out which option best suits you.

Atropine Eye Drops


Atropine eye drops effects have been repeatedly validated in clinical trials. This method is arguably the most effective management for myopia. However, its results correlate with its concentration. The use of atropine is quite effective in decreasing myopia progression. Additionally, you can use them with bifocal glasses to improve myopia management.

The Takeaway


In the modern world, you can avoid becoming too myopic. It can increase the risk of other eye conditions over time. You no longer must wait and see what comes next. By attending comprehensive eye exams, you can manage myopia from the onset.

For more on managing myopia, visit Ishigo Optometry at our office in Gardena, California. Call (888) 564-0016 to book an appointment today.

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