How Does Dry Eye Affect Vision?

How Does Dry Eye Affect Vision?

How Does Dry Eye Affect Vision?

How Does Dry Eye Affect Vision?

How Does Dry Eye Affect Vision?

How Does Dry Eye Affect Vision?

Dry eye is a condition affecting many people. Sometimes, it can occur due to seasonal allergies. However, it is more commonly caused by tear instability and inadequacy. It is very uncomfortable to spend your days with dry eye and even worse when you wear contact lenses. 

Dry eye causes several symptoms like a burning sensation and a gritty feeling. When left untreated, it can lead to damage to the ocular surface. The damage incurred can lead to other visual issues, which will only worsen the longer the condition remains unattended. If you have dry eyes, it is advisable to seek medical attention before the condition worsens. 

What Causes Dry Eye?


Dry eye can occur because of several causes. However, each of those can cause two main conditions that lead to dry eye: decreased production or increased evaporation of tears. Here is what you need to know about the two conditions and what may cause them:

Decreased Production of Tears


It is one of the most common causes of dry eyes. When your eyes fail to produce enough tears, your eyes will dry up throughout the day. The clinical term for this condition is keratoconjunctivitis sicca. It can occur because of several reasons like:

  • Side effects of certain drugs like antihistamines, antidepressants, hormone replacement therapy, decongestants, drugs for hypertension, Parkinson’s and birth control, and acne medication.

  • As you age, your eyes stop producing as many tears as they should

  • Underlying medical conditions like allergic eye disease, lupus, graft vs. host disease, thyroid disorders, Sjogren’s syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, sarcoidosis, or vitamin A deficiency.

  • Nerve damage from laser eye surgery or insensitivity of the corneal nerves from extended contact lens use. 


Increased Evaporation of Tears


The tear film comprises three main layers working together to lubricate the eye’s surface. The three layers are the mucus, lipid, and aqueous layers. When one of these is missing, a specific function of the tear film fails.

The most common part that fails is the lipid or oil layer. The meibomian glands produce the oil layer, which can get blocked. The tears evaporate more quickly in the absence of the lipid layer protecting the other layers. 

How Does Dry Eye Affect Vision?


Light Sensitivity

Dry eye means that your eyes, especially the cornea, are not well lubricated. When the cornea lacks a tear film to protect it, any light that goes through it can cause pain.

High Infection Risk

The tears not only keep the eye lubricated, but they are also a protective layer. They keep any pathogens and infections at bay. If you have dry eyes, it is easier to get an infection.

Damage to the Cornea

When dry eye goes untreated, it causes damage to the eye’s surface, especially the cornea. It can cause abrasion, ulcers, and inflammation, significantly affecting your vision.

Blurry Vision

A typical result of untreated dry eye is blurry vision. The damage to the cornea compromises the quality of light getting into the eye. When the light entering the eye is not clear, the image generated from the retina is also not clear.

For more on how dry eye affects vision, visit Ishigo Optometry at our office in Gardena, California. Call (888) 564-0016​​​​​​​ to book an appointment today.

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