





Ishigo Optometry Blog

Learn more about optometry care in our blog!

How to Effectively Manage Myopia

Experts predict that by 2050, half of the world’s population will have myopia. Within the past two decades, its prevalence has almost doubled. Moreover, the age of onset of the condition is decreasing fast.

What Can I Expect from a LASIK Consultation?

LASIK is an effective eye laser surgery that allows you to see without refractive errors. However, there are a few steps that your doctor will take before recommending it. These measures are vital to the surgical process and will prevent any complications.

How Does Dry Eye Affect Vision?

Dry eye is a condition affecting many people. Sometimes, it can occur due to seasonal allergies. However, it is more commonly caused by tear instability and inadequacy. It is very uncomfortable to spend your days with dry eye and even worse when you wear contact lenses.

What Are Ortho-k Contact Lenses?

Refractive errors are the most common eye conditions in the world. Of the three refractive errors—hyperopia, myopia, and astigmatism—the more common is myopia. All three can be corrected using contact lenses and glasses of different prescriptions.

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